ROBIN Ready?

Realizing Opportunities with Broadband Infrastructure Networks (ROBIN) Grant Program

Apply now for part of the $238 million in federal funds that will be used to expand high-speed internet access in the underserved areas of MI. 

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Guide to ROBIN

Everything you need to start on your journey to understand this new 60-day Grant for MI.


ROBIN is a high-speed internet last mile and middle mile infrastructure competitive grant program with $238M in project funds from the US Treasury as part of the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund. ROBIN funds internet service providers and public-private partnerships to expand broadband infrastructure to unserved areas.

Applications for the ROBIN program will be accepted through the online application system linked below. The application window will close at 4:00 PM EDT on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

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“The mission of MIHI is to create a more digitally equitable state where every Michigander can leverage technology to improve their quality of life,” Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity Director Susan Corbin said. “The ROBIN Grant Program will provide the dollars needed for the development and expansion of broadband infrastructure to underserved areas and increase internet access and affordability to many Michigan families and businesses.”

ROBIN is open to Internet service providers, companies licensed under the MI Telecommunications Act, franchise holders under the Uniform Video Services Local Franchise Act, and any entity providing broadband service in the state. Community and internet service provider partnerships are also encouraged.

“MIHI has developed detailed educational materials to give potential ROBIN applicants the guidance and tools they need to make informed decisions,” Michigan Chief Connectivity Officer Eric Frederick said in a statement. “We are excited to officially launch the program and provide funds that are a critical part of Michigan’s broadband expansion plan. ROBIN will allow internet service providers and public-private partnerships to develop broadband infrastructure to the state’s unserved areas.”

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Aspen has over 20 years of grant writing, engineering, designing, managing, and operating municipal networks in the State of MI.  We are residents and here to help.

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